Tuesday, November 11, 2008

People's Bank of China governor says will not rule out the possibility on the devaluation of the yuan to promote exports

People's Bank of China governor Zhou XiaoChuan on Monday says that there is no ruling will out on the possibility on the devaluation of the yuan to promote exports in order to keep China's economy growing.

Attending the Bank of International Settlements conference in Brazil, when asked whether should China de-value the RenMinBi to promote exports, Zhou XiaoChuan says that there is no ruling out of any possibility.

When asked whether will China further reduce interest rates to stimulate the economy, Zhou XiaoChuan says that currently to talk on any specific policies is still too early. There is the need to further monitor the international situation before deciding whether to further reduce interest rates.

Zhou XiaoChuan also stress that China does not face the problem of withdrawal of funds like other countries.

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